Saturday, 21 January 2012

happy birthday love :*

to: my dearly beloved man, Dhimas Widhiyanto :)

this isn't juat a happy birthday. its my wish above you, my beloved boyfriend, real friend ever, my future husband, my dreams wanna-be, my love, my everything.

before all, thanks God for sending him to my world, he make it colorful anyway :*

God, in this end of his young, please give him Your shelter, your power for his everydays spirit, Your love onto him. please give him all kind of happiness, healthy, knowledge, and faith. make him a better man for me. better son for his parents, better leader for his brothers, better self for himself. all success, happiness, love, caress, please God, lead them onto him, my beloved man, Dhimas.

hey young man! you're 19th now :) your last year before facing 20. helllooooowww.. 20 is all about truly growing, adulty, vision, planning your future, and real life. its time for you to choose, to dedicated, whats best for your self. i just hope that you can always grows better, love me better, all kind of goodness. baby, you are my great man!

thanks for letting me come to your life, and grows together in this one year. i love you, dhimas, in deep.
happy birthday :)

~your lady, Mayaa :)


ini susah bungkusnya. harap maklum sama ketidaksempurnaan dalam membungkus kado :P

my birthday boooyyy :* :*

 euuhh, seksi enggak, enek iyaa :P

ini yg paling susah. maap tulisannya kaya anak baru bisa nulis :P
here it is, bantalnya buat kamuuuuhhh :*

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