Tuesday 23 September 2014

How's life?

Life goes fine since the surgery. Hasil Patologi 2 minggu setelah operasi itu benar kalo si tumor yang kemaren diambil adalah Fibro Adenoma Mammae. Everything was good, dokter sampe bilang gue gak perlu lagi bolak balik ke rumah sakit. but yeah, gue tetep harus jaga makan. pengen banget olahraga sebenernya, disamping badan gue jadi gampang loyo gini, gue kangen berenang banget. sayangnya berenang perlu otot dada dan tangan yang fully works. dan otot dada gue belom bisa dibikin capek. ngangkat tas aja gaboleh disebelah kiri. above all, i'm totally great.

skripsi lancar jaya in this 3 weeks. minggu ini udah bisa ambil surat acc, kalo bisa sekalian daftar ke sejur untuk sidang. Wisuda Desember, i'm coming! kudu!

the thing why i want to write here again, i just randomly remembered how fast the time goes by in this 4 years. Dian, my genius friend on highschool got married. i'm indescribably happy for her, and he got a great husband thou :) Chika passed her undergraduate thesis. I'm going to go for it too. Nabila now is in Istanbul, Turkey for her Magister. She took political history something there for her major. soooo happy for her!